Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I miss you soo much right now it hurts. Most people are telling me to move on with my life, but how do I move on when the most important part of that life is no longer with me. I can't just go back to that life, I've got to create a new path for me to travel upon. I'm scared baby, scared that I might make a wrong choice or scared that you might be disappointed in me. Brian, I don't want to make a new path on this journey I'm on without you walking beside me. Thank you for teaching me how i should be treated and what true love is like. You've spoiled me so much that I don't think I'll ever find someone else like you. Please guide me to the path i need to take in order to be with you for time and all eternity. May god bless us both and may he also be with us til we meet again. I LOVE YA BEEF.

1 comment:

  1. no one understands this process like you. it's your process, your loss.
    only do what you are ready for.

    you can take your time. and pick yourself up and do things as you feel you can.
    you are a wise woman. you'll know when you need a moment of grief, and in contrast, you will know when it is time to push yourself to get out and do something. (of course it will be a push. but you will know when mourning becomes wallowing-- that is the time for the push.)

    find something that makes you happy. :) then start there.

    I love you. I'm sure Bri would never be disappointed with you. but you know that. no doubt he is guiding you. holding your hand and showing you his love, letting you find your path. you will find it.

    love always. and i'm here for anything you need.
    want a project idea, got millions.
    i'm emailing you that book list too.
    want some work out dvd's? I can send them.
    --- lets see in the above we have suggested Creative- Educational (though my books are nothing educational. ;) only silly stories coming from me!)- and Physical. It's a start. Take baby steps love, you will get there.

